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Special Education

Meghan Dent
Director of Special Education

(706) 382-3100 ext. 4010


Angela Elliott
Educational Diagnostician
(706) 382-3100 ext. 4012


Program Info

The Chickamauga City School System provides a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment for all students with a disability. This includes individualized instruction to meet a student's educational needs in an effort to prepare the student for post-secondary education and/or employment and independent living. CCS offers a continuum of services for students identified as eligible under the State of Georgia Regulations for Special Education. Disability areas served are specific learning disability, emotional/behavior disorder, intellectual disability, significant developmental delay, visual impairment, deaf/hard of hearing, traumatic brain injury, deaf blind, orthopedic impairment, autism spectrum disorder, speech and language impairment and other health impairment.

At Chickamauga City we believe that all students can learn and high expectations and support lead to greater student success. The partnership between the school and parents is valuable to a child’s education. I look forward to working together so that we can provide the best education possible.


Child Find

Child Find is an ongoing process for identifying, locating and evaluating children ages 3-21, who may need special education and related services. The Chickamauga City School System would like to identify all children who live within the Chickamauga City limits who may need these services.

If you know of a child who lives in Chickamauga and may need these services, contact Meghan Dent at (706) 382-3110 or send your name, address, and phone number to:

Chickamauga City Schools
Attention: Meghan Dent
402 Cove Road
Chickamauga, Georgia 30707

It is the policy of the Chickamauga City Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, disability, religion or national origin in educational programs and activities.


Destruction of Special Education Records

In accordance with Georgia State guidelines, Chickamauga City Board of Education will destroy all special education records of former students born January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1993.  These records are no longer needed for educational purposes.  All unclaimed records will be destroyed after September 1, 2016.  Any person desiring to obtain his/her records may contact the Chickamauga City School System, 402 Cove Road, Chickamauga, Georgia 30707 or call 706-382-3100.