Chickamauga city school district
Mission: Chickamauga City Schools will provide a challenging and engaging educational program to meet the needs of all learners.
Vision: Chickamauga City Schools will instill within students the character, knowledge and essential skills needed to succeed in a global economy.
- All students can learn.
- Student learning is the priority of our school system.
- A highly qualified staff committed to continuous improvement is essential for increased student achievement.
- Rigorous expectations and educational support lead to greater student success.
- Character education, equity, and respect for diversity are important in the development of the whole child.
- It is essential to build strong, positive relationships in order to provide students with a safe learning environment.
- Education is a partnership among students, parents, school and community.
- School must prepare students for a rapidly changing future.
- Collaboration, problem solving, use of technology and communication are essential skills.
- Integrity
- Trust and Honest Communication
- Stakeholder Participation
- Common Understanding, Shared Vision and Responsibility
- Data Analysis
- Continual Self Evaluation and Improvement
- Efficient and Effective Operations
- Commitment and Excellence
- Accountability